
Knowledge articles to inspire women in their diverse functions in the business and the family.

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What Women Face in the Family Business: On Gender Bias and More

Women Leaders in Family Enterprises (WLife) recently released the results of its 2023 research survey, which focused on identifying the biases faced by female family business leaders due to their gender. The survey also examines the repercussions of bias and discrimination within the family business setting, and how they affect perceptions regarding women’s competency, professional performance, and career progression.

14 Books about Women in Family Businesses

14 Books about Women in Family Businesses

We’ve curated a list of 14 books that not only underscore the incredible strides women have made in the business world but also address the crucial need for more resources and larger platforms to elevate their thought leadership and contributions.

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Five Ways to Communicate Your Authentic Self

Authenticity comes from recognising your core values and staying true to them, especially when faced with external challenges or expectations. Defining authenticity can be difficult due to the wonderful and unique differences in everyone, but when you communicate directly and transparently, sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you project your authentic self. This, in turn, demonstrates that you respect your identity and are unafraid to extend that same respect to others, fully accepting both the consequences and rewards that come from exchanges born from profound honesty.

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5 Women Who Saved Their Family Business

From successfully navigating financial crises to pioneering innovative strategies, women in family businesses are showing us ways to safeguard their family’s legacy and ensure the growth and success of their companies for generations to come. Their stories highlight the resilience and determination of female leadership while illustrating the enduring power and strength of the family unit.


Breaking Past Stereotypes: The Role of Women in Latin American Family Businesses

In Latin America, family businesses are the predominant economic players. Their sustainability is crucial to national ecosystems, as each family brings unique cultural and economic contributions. However, like any regional cluster, these Latin American business families are subject to prejudice, myths and stereotypes that can limit their potential for growth. […]

Opening the Conversation: Understanding Perspectives and Redefining Gender Roles in the Family Business

Opening the Conversation: Understanding Perspectives and Redefining Gender Roles in the Family Business

When discussing women’s roles in the family business, we often fail to recognise how different perspectives can change the conversation. A shift towards this recognition is critical for empowering the next generation and promoting a more inclusive environment. Daniel Trimarchi, Director of Family Business Advisory at KPMG Private Enterprise in […]

The Importance of Establishing a Personal Support System

The Importance of Establishing a Personal Support System

While working in a family business brings its own difficulties, the women who make up the various roles within each enterprise face unique daily challenges that require practical championing. There are many aspects within the workplace that women cannot control. However, they can proactively create an inclusive community to combat […]