
Conversations with women about their multiple roles in the family business.

How Family Cohesion Helps Family Enterprises Succeed

How Family Cohesion Helps Family Enterprises Succeed

  Studies show that family businesses can capitalise on cohesion between different family members through improved performance and a strengthened legacy, with one EY survey estimating that 35 per cent of the difference between family businesses’ returns on equity can be predicted by the strength of family bonds. However, according […]

The Boss’s Chair: Leading the Family Business With Confidence

The Boss’s Chair: Leading the Family Business With Confidence

Ideally, choosing a leader for a family business should be a gender-neutral decision, but that is often not the case. However, changing demographics and an increased willingness to break the traditional male-dominated mould are providing increased leadership opportunities for women in family businesses. Currently, 18 percent of family business leaders globally are female, with the highest percentage belonging […]

Building Art Collections as a Family Legacy

Building Art Collections as a Family Legacy

Building an art collection serves not only as an investment and overall asset diversification, but also as a way of creating and preserving a legacy.  Although traditionally dominated by high-net-worth males, the art industry is now seeing an increasing number of female collectors who are responsible for a significant share of […]

Building a Generational Bridge in Africa

Building a Generational Bridge in Africa

Nike Anani did not plan on dedicating her life to the family business segment in Africa. Fate, it would seem, chose for her. Nike is the founder and CEO of Nike Anani Practice, Ltd., in Lagos, Nigeria, where she helps second-generation family business members collaborate with the founding generation in […]

Giving Voice to a Shared Struggle

Giving Voice to a Shared Struggle

A dedicated research project on the challenges, hopes and dreams of women in family business leadership positions Through their Hawai’i-based consulting firm, Business Consulting Resources (BCR), Jean Santos and Ken Gilbert have more than three decades of experience providing critical support for family businesses across a wide range of industries. […]

Gut Democracy: The Food Politics of Fermentation

Gut Democracy: The Food Politics of Fermentation

The path to success was not a linear one for Sharon Flynn. She travelled the world in search of the best fermentation practices for 20 years before returning to Australia, where she committed to putting her newfound knowledge to use. Her first task: re-educating Australians regarding their choice of food. […]